Ah Bugger

The vapid utterings of a neurotic mind.

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Location: DC, United States

I ain't too proud to bug.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Don't like it.

Something scary is about to start (has already started) in Prince William County. The crackdown on illegal immigration seems like it is going to send the area into a pre-holocaust like shutdown.

From Wavy News:
MANASSAS, Va. (AP) - Prince William County police will begin enforcing a crackdown on illegal immigrants next week, and lawyers and civil rights advocates say they want immigrants to be prepared.
The new policy directs police to check the immigration status of anyone who is detained if the officer has probable cause to believe the person is in the U.S. illegally.
Lawyers are advising immigrants to obey all laws and avoid any behavior that would attract police attention, including public intoxication and driving with a broken tail light.
If questioned by police, the lawyers say immigrants unsure of their legal status should not speak without a lawyer present.

I am not a proponent on any level of people being in this country illegally, however this statute seems to drum up in me images of how the Jews were treated in the early 1930’s. The police are apparently simply stopping people who “look” like immigrants on the street, forcing them to hand over their papers. Doesn’t this sound familiar?

AI - Results show

I hate the group musical numbers. Generally I fast-forward through them, but I opted to watch and listen tonight. Oh geez, the outfits! One thing about the group songs is that you can really differentiate between those who can and cannot sing well.

This is a hella cheesy group. I can't take all the posturing towards the camera.

I don't know how long I can listen to David Archuleta weeze his way through songs.

Fear of dismissal is causing Danny NoriAlba to do some serious mouth breathing. Relax, child. You are okay. But Jason Yeager isn't. (Called it!)

Alexandréa is off. When Ryan grabbed her arm for sympathy, she wriggled right out of his grasp and stepped back.

I think her exit song is appropriate. "If you leave me now, you take away the biggest part of me...Baby please don't go".

Bottom 2 girls: Kady Malloy and Alaina Whitaker. Alaina goes. Man. I thought she'd go far. She has a great voice. I did not get a single girl right. And we have to listen to Amanda some more. Geez. She has taken over for the car living/kid's show host guy as my personal Sanjaya.

Alaina's song "Guess mine is not the first heartbroken". Appropriate, especially as she cries her way off.

And bye Robbie. Go spend some time getting a haircut.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

AI - Top Ten Girls

American Idol: Top Ten Girls

Seriously, Simon is looking good. Slim. I like gray. I like lack of man-boobs.

1. Carly Smithson-Corr: She looks like she should be a fat girl. I’m not a big fan. Maybe if she sang a great song, I would like her better. Botox would fix her stupid singing face. Hmm. She sounds okay. And I dislike this song, but she is pretty good. Dammit. (She wants to go crazy on Simon. I say BACK OFF). Does she have Amy Winehouse tattooed to her right arm?

2. Syesha Mercado: So pretty. Oh, the baby cry was a little unusual. She sounds good, but this is a really boring song. She nailed that part. Is her Mr. Jones the same one that hangs out with Adam Duritz? But it was a boring song.

3. Brooke White: Oh geez, she is singing Carly Simon. Of course she is. Now I will never be able to separate her from Carly. But, man she is singing the hell out of this song. The low keys were hard for her to hit. This song came out the year I was born. I like the raspiness of her voice for parts.

4. Ramiele Malubay: She has a fantastic voice. Yawn, this song sucks. But she is singing it well. (How was that at my first attempt at a back handed compliment?) Smeh.

5. Christy Lee Cook: Love this girl. I like this song. She has the funniest stance on stage. She squats almost. She sounds good. She is a little bit country. She might over-perform a bit. But that ought to stop once she gets more comfortable in her vocals. Nice. Good job.

6. Amanda Overmyer: Rock N’Roll Nurse. She’s 23?!? She seems so old. Wow, she looks like Simba tonight. I don’t think she is extremely talented. But I want her to succeed. She is way off tune tonight and having a hard time hitting the notes. And she should be given 13 lashings for making me have to look at those pants (are they chaps?) I am now a little bit deaf from the last couple of notes.

Paula just used the word juxtaposed properly! She is more lucid than I have ever seen her. Last week she said that the audience should not be “infected” by what the judges say.

7. Alaina Whitaker: I like this little girl. For true vocal talent, I would say she is in the very top. She has inevitable Carrie Underwood comparisons coming towards her in the future. Ooh, she has hit a couple of sour notes. (Sometimes she lets the song get away from her). I stand by her, though. She is only 17.

8. Alexandréa Lushington: This girl looks completely different every time I see her. Hey, she is singing Chicago. Aw. She sounds completely flat. But consistently so. Maybe that is good. She has a lovely vibrato. I hate the way she ended the song. She makes Ryan Seacrest look like he is 3 feet tall. But she does not seem to be that tall… I guess he really is short.

9. Kady Malloy: She looked like she was going to tumble down the stairs. I think I like this girl, but I don’t know. I don’t like her voice for this song. Nor the fact that she is wearing leggings. She sounds like she is masking her voice by shoving it deep into her throat/nasal passage. I did not like it. (Dammit Simon, quite thinking like me. He just made mention of her singing in the back of her throat.)

10. Asia’h Epperson: Holy cow, she looks like she is trying to look like Rashida Jones, now. She is frickin’ adorable. The beginning of this song seemed too hard for her. Then her first higher note she missed altogether. Ooh, that was a seriously flat note. She is gonna get reamed for this. Or, she’ll be told she did a great job. Whatever, I like her. I agree with Simon. The song was for a better singer than her.

Say goodbye to Amanda Overmyer, or maybe hmm.. I would say Kady Malloy but I think people will like her personality more than Ramiele, so let’s say Ramiele.

AI - Top 10 Boys

American Idol: Top Ten Guys

First of all, I watched all five fricken hours last week and wrote up quite the summary of the show, but I was wildly behind with all the stuff I actually have to do that by the time I was prepared to post it, it was far too late. So let me just say that I thought we would lose Luke Menard and David Hernandez, but Blonde Eyelashes and Leif Garrett were booted. I was a bit more on target with the girls. I guessed Amy Davis, Kady Malloy or Joanne Borgella and they dumped Amy and Joanne.

I had all great comments, but basically I thought everything Simon said which is terrifying!. So I am not going to tell you what I wrote. Don’t cry. Read what I say THIS week. XOXOXO- Bug

1. Michael Johns: So cute. I can see him being a big star. I think he will be in the top 3. (They don’t allow for two boys to be the top two do they? They never have, right? Don’t say Clay and Ruben, because one of them is not guaranteed to be a boy). Hate Michael’s jeans. They look like mom jeans. He looks like he forgot that the show was tonight and threw on what he had been lounging about in earlier. The song was kind of boring, and his vibrato was a little goofy, but he is talented.

2. Jason Castro: Crazy dreadlocks. I dig this kid. He’s adorable and quirky. I like his style. He’ll have a career if he succeeds here or not. Will he have his guitar every time he takes the stage? He might like to work on the weird faces he makes. But he always has a ton of energy in his performance, and I don’t mean in the jumping around way. Oh, Paula wants him to show up without the guitar.

3. Luke Menard: (Orlando Bloom + Matthew Fox’s love child). He’s a cutie, too. He sang last week, but I have no recollection of it. My notes only have snore symbols. I am not a fan. He is reminding me of Hugh Jackman’s (swoon) Broadway moments. I say no. I said NO! No means NO! Stop singing! Simon agrees with me.

4. Robbie Carrico: This guy could be cute if he cut his hair. H.A.T.E the hair. He drag races. The car looked like a DeLorean. I think he’s trying to go back to the early 90’s where his hair would be popular again. Cheesy performance. I think he actually might have a nice voice. I just have not heard it yet. He looks like he is on a high school stage, throwing gang signs out to his friends in the audience.

Paula looks good tonight. And sober. She is making sense, too. What is going on?

5. Danny NoriAlba: I think I kind of like him, though he seems to have a capacity to get annoying. Oh, how did he get Mr. Roper’s cardigan? He sounds off-key. He really does sound like he is performing at a drag show. If the Priscilla Queen of the Desert cast would come out of the wings in full drag regalia, it would not surprise me. Danny is feisty and I dig that! But he is a little Diva. Mariah Carey, watch out!

6. David Hernandez: I would have booted this guy last week. He gives creepy eyes, like Constantine. Quit looking at me like that. I don’t like this song, and I don’t really like this guy, so he might be doing a great job but I am incapable of fairly judging him. He was on key. He seemed okay. At least he wasn’t snapping as he is apt to do.

7. Jason Yeager: Last week he looked and sounded like he was performing on a cruise ship. He has an extremely high cheese factor with his grin, snapping and wiggling around. He sounded okay. But he wafts in and out of goofy cheesy and smoldery cheesy. Not feeling him. Simon compared him to a drunk guy at a party.

8. Chikezie: He is like Cher and Madonna. One named. His face is perfectly round. He too, is a master of the cheese factor. He reminds me of Carlton from Fresh Prince. He is better this week than last. What is up with the guys outfits tonight? They are dressed down in a way I did not think was allowed on national television. I liked this performance. Go on, Jacuzzi.

9. David Cook: Can someone please fix his hair? Please? I am just going to close my eyes whenever he is on stage until they fix it. He strikes me as someone who is wildly inappropriate on dates and then calls the girl a bitch when she tells him to beat it. I like his voice, though. He has a nice timbre. It was a good performance.

10. David Archuleta: I’m enthused by this kid. I think he seems to be really sucking air for this song, but he’s so young and will only get better. (I think he is a little funny looking, is that mean? And how come I care when I normally have no issues being mean? I don’t want to hurt this little boy’s feelings.) But he will be top 2. He might even win.

Say goodbye to Jason Yeager. Maybe Luke Menard (is that wishful thinking on my part?) How many do they vote off?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

3rd Annual Snarkademy Awards

I threw my annual Academy Awards party again this year. Apparently this year's show had the lowest viewer count in a long time. I wonder if it was due to the writers' strike, or because the films nominated really did not seem to be universal. Barely anyone I know saw any of the films that were up for the coveted Oscar.

First of all, I am really glad that No Country For Old Men won. I really liked that flick. I can't figure out the hubbub about There Will Be Blood. Like I wrote before, I simply didn't get it. I am glad Diablo Cody won for best screenplay. I thought it was a refreshing script. Someone on some website said they were disappointed in all the accidentally pregnancy plotlines and I have to agree, but I still liked Juno. Jackie Clarke is pretty damn hilarious in her impersonation of the screenwriter nee stripper.

My party was pretty typical including the usual suspects and the usual treats. This year I had a chocolate fondue which was wildly delicious. I had strawberries, bananas, pineapple, pound cake, marshmallows and Krispy Kreme donut holes to dip. YUMMMM! It also turns out that there is another hummus that is good besides Sabra. Trader Joe's makes a ridiculously delicious horseradish hummus (although, as far as I am concerned, you could put horseradish into about anything and I would delight over it).

The beverages this year included:

  • Blood Orange soda for the non-drinkers.
  • There Will be Blood Punch: Pulpy orange juice, Acai juice, soda water, and cranberry vodka.
  • Juno Punch: Sunny D-Lite, juice from freshly squeezed lemon, orange and lime; mashed strawberries; grapefuit and lime vokas; triple sec, puply orange juice, soda water.
The prizes:

  • Most right on ballot: Michael Clayton DVD
  • Most wrong: $5 gift card to Blockbuster
  • Best Costume 1st place: Juno CD
  • 2nd place: $5 gift card Starbucks
  • Bingo: American Gangster DVD
  • Bingo 2nd place: Cracker Jack 3-pack
Becky was the ballot winner by an immense margin. (cheater).

The swag bags are an institution and fun for me to fill. This year was a little difficult, but let me show you what they contained and you can decid eif they are cool or not.

Non film oriented goodies:
Nestle Crunch cookie roll thingie.
Wacky straw
Crystal Light mix

Film related goodies:
Juno: Sunny D and Orange Tic-Tacs
Ratatouille: Ratatouille recipe
No Country for Old Men: "Old Fart's Friend" name tags
Atonement: Sorry card
Golden Compass: Compass ring
Enchanted: tiara
There Will be Blood: bandage
Pirates of the Caribbean: Gold chocolate coin.

I am truly sorry I did not get the chance to write up my choices for the winners this year as I have in the past. I sure as hell would not have picked Daniel Day Lewis. I was all over Javier Bardem, and would quite possibly be all over him were we in the same room together.

Read about previous Snarkademy Awards here: 1st prep, 1st winners . 2nd.

If you'd like to read an almost livecast of the 3rd annual Snarkademy Awards show, directly from my very own couch, please see the Congrats Blog.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pen is mighty, but not mightier than a corner....

I need someone to buy me a padded suit and helmet because I hit my elbow really hard on the corner of the door last night while making my bed, leaving not only a nice gash and some swelling, but a super bruise which I am sure will develop into some fantastic (phenomenal!) colors. This morning, while making coffee, I hit my head on the corner of the upper cabinet. Ouchie. I am a danger to myself.

On an unrelated note, this little test seems to be dead-on about me. But it seems to give the same answer for everyone. So, should I take it personally?

What Your Handwriting Says About You
You are highly energetic. You are a passionate, intense, vigorous person.

You are somewhat outgoing, but you're not a natural extrovert. You think first before you act. You tend to be independent, rational, and logical.

You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.

You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well.

You are conservative, old fashioned, and a little stubborn. You are resistant to change.

You are a decent communicator. You eventually get your point across, but sometimes you leave things a bit ambiguous.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Always thought I'd make a good doctor

I saved a bunch of lives yesterday. Someone was choking and I administered the Heimlich maneuver. I bandaged both an arm and a head. I performed CPR and had to shock a man’s heart. I am exhausted. We had a CPR training class at work and it was super cool. I am officially trained so should one of you start to choke or something, Super Bug will save the day!

It was an all around medical day for me. I went with my dear pal to her first Lamaze class where we hee hee hooed and did other labor breathing. One of us got a free massage and I have to say it was not me (even though my shoulders have been a little achy lately). It was an interesting class and all the couples seemed to look exactly alike (which I found rather weird). So, dear friend, thanks for letting me be the interim Lamaze coach for our love child. And tell your husband that he is NEVER going to see a penny of child support from me. You can’t prove anything!

On the way home we tried to look at the lunar eclipse. (Hey, maybe you can name the child Bug Luna). Half covered, it looked like a black and white cookie (that was my friend’s assessment which was spot on). Even the stars were shining brightly.

That was my day yesterday, an obvious improvement over the day before. Oh, and my doctor called once he got my x-ray and basically told me to stop being such a baby. I did not break anything but deep tissue bruises hurt badly for a long time. So, I still feel I have license to whine (and hobble a bit).

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So, how was YOUR day?

This morning I attempted to pull myself out of bed, but for some reason my neck had reformed itself in my sleep and I was unable to move. (I'm only 34!) I got myself righted and went to work where, in addition to having to turn my entire body to look at people, I was still hobbling around due to the injury which has decided to firmly settle itself into my right butt. After a delightful conversation with my work buddy, I turned to waddle back into my office. He stopped me.

What are we looking at here? This is what my work buddy saw. Not only am I broken, but my pants are too. Here they are. Full glory. I spent the rest of the day cricked, hobbly and pulling my sweater down to cover my split pants covered (ha!) ass.

Yup. makes sense to me.

Which Sesame Street Character Are You?

You are Cookie Monster. You are a glutton. You often make attempts at controlling yourself, but why stop yourself from getting what you really want? Cookies. Inside, you are sensitive and vulnerable and it just may be the source of your problems.
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com

Thursday, February 14, 2008

AI: The Final 24

What the hell was that opening? And was Ryan flirting with Hayden Christianson? That was weird.

Why does the format of this show have to consist of 12 girls and 12 boys. What if the talent pool is heavily tilted in one direction and because we have to fill a quota we end up with another Sanjaya?

How many times are we going to have sit through Carly Smithson-Corr's audition? If she gives up after this, what kind of devotion does she have to her "craft"? And is her tongue still blue? Oh, she'll make it, but I'm not sure I am happy about it. Look! Her crying face is the same as her singing one. (She's in).

Paula looks interesting. She resembles a boy from the Colonial Days who would have been available to stable the horses for the gentleman visitors. Not a great look. (And yeah, she does look fatter.)

Nice elevator camera angle - looks straight down the girls shirts. Well done!

Just based on the hot pink tie and the retarded hair I would have sent David home (or to a stylist). But he has a nice voice so whatever. (He's in).

Rock N' Roll Nurse (can I call her RHRN from now on?) is in. We can see if she sing a different song. If not, I foresee her gone quickly.

My girl is up. Kristy Lee Cook. She's nervous. (So am I). I don't want the competition to destroy her. But yay! She's in. She's hot. I want mt idols to be good looking (and lacking speech impediments). Don't suck, Kristy. I am putting myself on the line for you. You might wanna learn another song besides Amazing Grace.

Okay, Brooke's hair is less frizzy today. Now when I look at her, all I see is Carly Simon. Damn you, Cowell. Man, she's crying already. She's like chum in the water for these sharks. She'll make it through, though, but what will it do to her? She's gonna change! Good Lord! She may even watch an R-rated film!! (She's in).

Jessica Alba's son (Danny Noriega) is in.

Crazy dreadlocks is in.

Orlando Bloom is in.

The cute Philipino girl is in. This is a diverse group. I think Benetton should get in on the Ford and Coca Cola money making vehicle here.

Syesha is in so that Simon can be inappropriate towards her all season. I heart her. She'll be top ten.

Michael Johns is in. I want him to cut his hair. But I will probably buy his cd. (Just for the record, I did not buy, nor do I have the following cds: Clay Aiken; Fantasia Barrino; Ruben Studdard (Stoddard?); the guy with the big teeth from the season with Bucky; Kimberly something who was on Celebrity Fit Club. A bunch of others. I guess I should admit to the ones I do have... Carrie, Daughtry, the first two of Kelly. Mock me if you will. Oh and this year at the Grammy's they should force the shrieking girl from Scream Girls to give back her Academy Award and apologize to me.)

Oh Lord, here comes the kid's TV show host. I don't like this kid. I don't feel sorry for him living in his car. He chose to live there. He's no Jewel. If they let him on, I am not going to watch going to pout and be mean at the tv screen until he goes away. He is my personal Sanjaya. Thank GOD! He's not through. Now I foresee tears. Geez. I kind of feel bad. Whatever. He's using up his 15 minutes of fame. Go car. (Get it? Go home. He lives in his car? Keep up! :)

Asia'h is up. She's adorable. I vote for her too. Top ten material. She's a bit nasal, but has a cool voice and she is vivacious as hell. (She's in)

Last two boys. It's between blond eyelashes and Hillary Clinton. Hillary's got to win something, so I think it will be him, but I have no idea. I am not really a fan of blond eyelashes, but too bad for me, because BE stays and Hillary goes. But what a genial boy he is. Even lets Paula touch him, twice. I think he was practicing for his political days when ooky people want to touch on you. (Should I be afraid that Simon and I agree 95% (a million percent) of the time?)

Maybe blond eyelashes can get an ad campaign with Maybelline for Manscara. Maybe he's born with it? Maybe it's Maybelline. (And metrosexuality takes another downward turn).

Last two girls. Pretty singer girl or pretty plus size model girl. PSG dances like a chicken and sings weird. PPSMG is better. OMIGOD! MY DVR JUST CUT OFF THE LAST MINUTES. I'M SUING! WHO MADE IT? GRRRRRRRRrrrrrrr.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hollywood Week

First of all, I want you all to appreciate that I watched American Idol and took notes all the while hovering on my sofa in a bizarre manner, attempting not to let any of my damaged bits touch anything. Also, on this note, I hit my head a couple of times so if something I wrote does not make sense, blame the ice on the steps.

Hollywood Week!
This is usually my favorite part of AI. I love the stress and I love the way the personalities show up during the group performance rehearsals. I love how some people can absolutely not refrain from partying and then fall apart on stage. (Or totally rock it and then you KNOW they have star potential, but will end up in the hospital due to "exhaustion" before too long). Hollywood week has changed.

Now they are allowing the contestants to play musical instruments. I love this! I feel like one week should be the contestants performing a song that was written and composed by one of the contestants. Even if a performer is not a song writer, they can get a song from a co-performer. You know the song writer will only give out their best stuff because they are still being represented. Great idea, don't you think? I am claiming ownership to it here and if AI wants to use it, they have to give me one million dollars.

First up: Brooke Light. She has a Tori Amos thing going for her. I kind of like her. (They compared her to Carly Simon. Yeah.) If she does not make it in music, maybe John Frieda could use her as a before model for his Frizz Ease product.

The judges love her. 1 million percent! I hate this. We get it. You like her. 100%, 1,000% 1,000,000%!!!! Shut up.

"You have the stage presence of a flea". -Simon. Nice. But what is he trying to say? Some fleas have a ton of presence. Flea circus stars, for example... Fleas are annoying. That must be what he was saying.

Okay, I'm 15 minutes in and I am bored. (The fact that this thought passed through my mind in a British accent is disturbing. Am I channelling Simon, or Britney?) The contestants don't have the fearful look of a cornered rabbit and that makes me sad.

What the hell is Paula wearing? Some sort of chunky silver bolero type cardigan? It's falling off of her shoulders. Hmm, and she only dances when she sees the camera is on her. Oh! And she just 100 trazillion percented. It's on!

Amanda Overmyer: Rock N'Roll nurse. I am afraid she is one dimensional. But damn, there is something I like about her despite her hair. Man, she would have given Grace Slick a run for her money 40 years ago. Randy thinks she's unique, but Simon agrees with me. (As usual.)

Okay, got another glimpse of Paula's ensemble. Apparently she has a bouquet of those Playtex training bra rosettes gracing her bosom. Hot!

What's this? We are already having celebrity guests on the show? But Antonio Banderas should simply stick to being Puss in Boots, and omigod how I love Puss in Boots. (Okay, so he's not Antonio, but if you have not figured out that I call people by the name of the celebrity they resemble, you should not read my languid writings anymore).

Another glimpse, Paula appears to be bedazzled. I wonder if she did it herself.

Barack is leading the VA Primary by 61%, but I choose him one million kazillion %.

The kid who lived in the car, Josiah; I can see him being the newest Blues clues guy. His blue t-shirt may have had something to do with that assessment. I can see him as a host of some kids show. Not an AI. I hate his vibrato. And his hair. And the fact that he is infected by the Madonna/Britney virus that makes Americans British.

Hey guys, Jessica Alba had her baby! It's a boy. He is already about 16 and wears colored contacts. (Danny Noreiga)

I don't know about this group. Maybe my fall affected my hearing, but they all sound off-key to me. And they are flying through.

Boy, this assessment is loooooong and I am not even halfway through. Sigh. And look, the Irish girl is part chow. She has a blue tongue. They ALL have blue tongues. What the hell is going on?

NO MORE BRYAN ADAMS! What did he ever do to the producers of American Idol? Where is Bryan Adams anyway? Bet the Canadians still rock out to him. Rock on, Canada.

Time warp: Hillary Clinton used to be a boy named Kyle. She went forward into the future and auditioned for American Idol. Oh, she's in! Go Kyle. Nothing like the nerd vote. Worked for that chicken little guy a couple of seasons ago.

I hate singers who use a lot of theatrics in their singing. I also hate when people end a word with that hiccupy ha! But luckily that guy is cut and hopefully I won't ever have to ever hear that ever again. Ever.

This new way of cutting people is brutal, but I like it. I miss the stress of the group performances. My goodness, I am a sadist.

I have a pick for now. I am not certain she has the pipes or the personality to hang on to it, though. Kristy Lee Cook. She is adorable.

Side bar: Whatever happened to Brian Dinkelman? Does he watch the show? Does the success of this show piss him off to no end. Hold on. I have to look him up. Well, his name is DUnkelman. Oops. Oh, he was on Ghost Whisperer. He's doing fine. We don't have to worry about him.

NO MORE BRYAN ADAMS! Seriously! What, is he running for Prime Minister? Is this his way back into the public eye? Stop it.

Ugh, Hillary (Kyle) sang Josh Grobin... and made it through. Ugh. Am I the only person who would rather listen to Roseanne Barr sing the National Anthem on helium than Josh Grobin??

Syesha is pretty. And she is totally Simon's type. (Look at his girlfriend and the girl he totally fawned over season 1- Christina Christian). I like her. She reminds me a little of Samaire Armstrong.

And once again, Australia delivers. Well done Down Under! Thank you for Michael Johns.

The escaped Corrs sibling makes a stupid singing face. She could be good, but I am not sold on her. I guess I won't send her back to Ireland yet.

Okay, I have to go watch tonight's AI. Update you on it tomorrow. Whether you like it or not. Hope you got me something for Valentine's Day.


There was a nice little ice storm yesterday. The streets were okay where I was driving, so I didn't think about the ice much as I began to slowly descend the thirteen stone steps in front of my home. One step was all I needed to take. Zooooooooom! I went down like a Jamaican bobsledder. As I was smashing my tailbone and repeatedly smacking my head, all I could do was wonder what my luge-like slide looked like. But no one was around to witness it. When I finally came to a stop, there was nothing I could do for a few moments having had the wind knocked out of me. Alas! I was not even completely at the bottom. I still had three ice encased steps to maneuver before I could attempt the five that lead into my house.
Bruised and battered, with skinned palms, I slid down the remaining steps on my bottom like a child. Worse even, I had to reach back up the stairs to get my stuff that had strewn itself about like I had been planning a yard sale.
When I finally got inside, I found I could not sit, I could not stand. So I did what any healthy 34 year old will do. I called my mom.
"Ouchie mommy! I fell down."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Feb. 12

The Primary Election is today and I wonder how it is going to turn out. I hope that people are not voting based on race or gender. I hope that they look at the person and gauge whether or not they believe that person can truly run this country.

I have to admit that I truly like Obama. He seems like a person who has interests outside of politics. Hillary, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to have this depth. Her entire life has been immersed in politics. I believe that she would have kicked Bill to the curb a long time ago had she not had presidential visions even back in the days an ugly blue dress was being soiled.

I can’t stand how politics have developed in our country (and maybe others, but what would I know about that?). It is all a game of money, power and manipulation. The advisors tell candidates what to say, and how to act, in order to get the most votes. It’s ridiculous. I wish someone would come in and stand up for what they believe in. (Settle down, McCain. I mean someone who believes in something I can stand behind.)

I hope that the winner is a good president. I could not care less what race or gender our leader is as long as this country is successful.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

C'MON Already!

Good Lord, how many auditions will I have to watch before we get to the meat and potatoes of American Idol? The auditions used to be the best part because they were silly and fun. But now we spent 25* weeks watching idiots prance around in front of the judges and it’s like being allowed to eat candy for dinner every night. After a while you are begging for broccoli (yuck).
Is it me, or is Simon exceptionally charming this season? He’s got me with his winks. Lo-ove it! Hate his propensity to jut out his lower lip and pout as if to say “poor baby”. It is not endearing.
I hope this is a good season lacking anything that might resemble a Sanjaya or Jessica Sierra. I want a heap load of pretty singers who can actually blow. Heh, blow. No none of that. I don’t want my little American pop stars to do anything that has anything to do with blow.
Yeah, I am bored. Let’s get this show going.


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Um.. I don't know how to feel about it

I saw “There Will be Blood” last night. I was told it was good. I knew it was going to be long. It was good and long. But did it have a point? I sat through the whole thing and wondered what message I was apparently missing. I wondered why I was being told this tale. I know the film is based on a story by Upton Sinclair and I really enjoyed “The Jungle” when I was kid even if it did make me suspect sausage.

The story was very interesting, but it never seemed to make a point. Was the point about how both religion and money can ruin people? I dunno. I am flummoxed. I have never watched a movie that was well made, and that I actually enjoyed, but had no seeming reason for being told.

I need some discussion on this.

Monday, February 04, 2008

She Liiiiiiiivessssss

Hi everybody. It’s been a long time, I know. I hope you missed me. I have been completely stressed out with all things Law School (applications). I am truly burnt out from writing! To add to the delight of writing law school essays and having to invent reasons why you’d want me in your school, I am taking a class on the history of essays. Woo. This is my second to last class at Boston University and that is utterly thrilling. However, I still have to finish it. The class entails my reading essays from old guys who are long gone. Then I have to write a five page essay in that style. (Every week). I also have to edit two class-mate’s papers and participate in written discussion points. So far, I have written 3 essays: one on religion vs. faith; one on the redemptive value of Real Dolls (the anatomically correct, life-size dolls) and the last one, which was due yesterday ended up being about a cat. A cat. I spent all weekend writing and re-writing big piles of hooey. You know how frustrating it is to flesh out a topic for 500 words only to notice that it still is not going anywhere? PLUS I wanted to go watch the Superbowl. Finally, what poured out of me was a story about a cat. Yep. We’ll see what kind of grade this pulls in.

My conversation skills are severely repressed as of late. This can be substantiated by the three gorgeous ladies who drank beers with me on Saturday. Thank God you all rescued me from my home! Prior to that I merely ate anything I could find that was not weighed down with annoying nutrients and watched “Women’s Murder Club” on my couch with Bill. Even Bill got irritated with my attitude and left me to my own devices after a while.

I can’t believe the weekend was over so quickly! Last night was fun, though. And I am glad the New York Giants of Football won the game. I hate all the grandstanding the Patriots players do. It is so annoying. (It’s like playing a board game with me. I get it now, Cristina.) When in the last 2 minutes, they were already celebrating their win, I began praying for their demise. Their utter lack of good sportsmanship proved they were not worthy of winning the big game. So suck it, Brady! You too, Moss! I noticed you were not doing the swim, or the bunny hop or whatever those odd hand gestures were supposed to represent.

Did anyone think the Tide to go commercial with the distracting coffee stain was as hilarious as Law-rah and I did??? Did anyone else get to eat super yummy tacos like we did?

Why do they make the Superbowl on a Sunday? How much more fun could we have if it were on a Saturday? Now I am back to work and while I got to bed at a decent time and the maple syrup beers I enjoyed last night only numbered in the two (because someone is getting old and can’t drink people under the table anymore), I would have liked to hang out longer. I am still a strong proponent of 3 day weekends every week. Hell, if we have to, let’s change the weeks of the year to 8 days. I will still work five and then have three off. Obama, make it happen and I will vote for you.

Okay, now I am just jabbering. I hope to post more frequently, but you never know how the mood will strike.