Ah Bugger

The vapid utterings of a neurotic mind.

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Location: DC, United States

I ain't too proud to bug.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Chicago Architecture tour

I am currently in Wisconsin in a town near the U. of Wisc. called Osalaska or something like that. I dropped Marci off at the airport this afternoon and began my journey alone for the first time. (You know, save for the 800 miles I drove the other day. But I was headed to Marci, so I was okay). My car is doing something a little weird that started on the 2nd with the crazy thunderstorm and subsequent traffic jam I got stuck in. I had turned my engine off because we were just sitting and when I started up again, the indicators all went a little loopy and the engine would not turn. It did that again this morning. I am going for an oil change (already!) soon and will get it checked out. Thanks goodness for AAA.

I have spent my whole evening checking emails and talking to friends and family (Hi Laura! Hi Mama!). Turns out that I may be feeling a little homesick. I am sure it will pass once I am not just driving to get places and can actually turn wherever I want to. However, I need to be in Colorado soon, so I am still attempting to get miles under my belt.

Chicago was wonderful and I found a pair of jeans that fit today! Yay.

Thanks, Marci. Would not be a birthday without you.

Oh, and yes I will be celebrating my birthday every day until I get home again.

I need a good exit phrase like "Good night and good luck" or "That's news to me".

I will try out this one:

May the road rise up to meet you

What do you think?


Blogger DCSportsChick said...

What, you don't want to talk to me and your child? I see how it is.

Your birthday pics look like fun!

7/06/2008 11:18:00 AM  
Blogger chanuck said...

I want my child support. Do I have to sue you to get it. LAM and I will have to work up a strategy.

Also, Who knew that Chicago had Architecture? Go Figure.

7/06/2008 01:42:00 PM  
Blogger melissa said...

Love the birthday pics! I can understand the homesickness. How about getting a cool pet rock, or start a coaster collection? I'm half serious. I had a stuffed platypus with me on my deployment (sentimental value). And also...if you have an address for the next place you'll be at, you could maybe send it out so that you have some fun care packages waiting for you :)

Where are you headed to next??

7/06/2008 06:27:00 PM  
Blogger Buggie said...

I know, I am a terrible Fother(Mather?). I can't call anyone today. I have no reception out here in SD. Weird. Birthday was fun. It's still my birthday. All the pictures until I get home will be of my birthday.

Good luck finding me, Chanuck!! mwaahaaahaa.

I have Flat Stanley, Melissa. He is for a project for some kids in Germany and I am taking his picture across the country. I should start a collection. I have been taking photos of my hotel room doors. I should be taking a photo of the whole hotel. I do see people every other stop. I have only spent one night alone so far and that was last night.
I am headed to my sister's house next.

7/06/2008 11:44:00 PM  

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