Ah Bugger

The vapid utterings of a neurotic mind.

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Location: DC, United States

I ain't too proud to bug.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Below you will find 3 versions of the same text. The original text is at the bottom with the two above having been translated from English into Russian and back into English, and the next was done in German. We entertained ourselves for hours doing this a while back and I thought it would be fun to revisit. It is also an excellent introduction to the Engrish website. Enjoy!

Obviously I try to entertain weights with the provided addresses of a website of websites which held me laughter and borrowed during boring pieces on work. This website name Engrish. Engrish can be simply determined as comic English mistakes which appear in the Japanese advertising and the project of a product. Results are frequently cheerful. For this reason I have taken this paragraph and have transferred it from English language in Russian and back in English language. Hence nonsense. I hope, that you can understand it, and I certainly hope, that it forces you to laugh.

Seemingly I try to maintain the masses by supplied website addresses of websites which keep me the laughter and during the dull Streckens at the work owns have. This website is called Engrish. Engrish can be simply defined as the amusing English mistakes which appear in the Japanese advertisement and product design. Results are often screamingly funny. Therefore, I took this section and translated it from the English into the German and back into the English. Consequently the stupidity. I hope that you can understand this, and I hope certainly that it allows to laugh you.

Apparently I am trying to entertain the masses by provided website addresses of websites that have kept me laughing and occupied during boring stretches at work. This website is called Engrish. Engrish can be simply defined as the humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design. Results are often hilarious. That is why I took this paragraph and translated it from English into Russian and back into English. Hence the silliness. I hope you can understand this and I certainly hope it makes you laugh.
(If you would like to try your hand at this, the website I used to translate was http://translation.paralink.com/translation.asp )


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