Ah Bugger

The vapid utterings of a neurotic mind.

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Location: DC, United States

I ain't too proud to bug.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Don't really care... Just being polite

Hi, how are you?
What is the appropriate response to this? I mean, you know the person does not really care how you are. I know I don’t care when I say it and as soon as it slips from my lips, I am trying hard as I can to reel it back in. I mean, what if this person wants to tell me how they really are? Am I committed to taking the time to hear it all? Am I sympathetic to their troubles? Am I interested in their latest psychological break-though? Not really. It’s just a fly-by smack on the ass. Don’t really want much more than a nod.
Saying “how are you” and not wanting to hear how someone is, is equal to being in a car and honking at the hottie walking down the street. What’s the hottie supposed to do? Take off running after your car and say, boy am I glad you honked? Woo, I think you are hot, too.
I have a boss who consistently asks how I am doing and then in mid story just walks off. I never know what to do. Should I follow him and continue my tale? Usually I just remain behind and am bewildered. Are my tales that boring? Or is it my presentation that needs work?
Is there something better that we could acknowledge people with? Talking about the weather is just as bad, if not worse.
Person 1: Boy, it sure is a hot day, today.
Ø Mm hmm
Ø Sure is
Ø Yeah, my shorts are soaked through! (Thanks a lot, perv in my office.)

I mean, really. There is no place to go with that.
I am going to work on better ways to acknowledge people. I came up with some ideas… Maybe a good way to greet people would be to just throw your juiciest bits right out on the table.
Ø Hey there, my eyeballs are sinking into my brain.
Ø I have a bladder infection.
Ø I get bloody noses when I am nervous.. Aw crap, there it goes…

I know they are kind of hit and run, too. But at least they would be interesting? Anything is better than the half-assed “howya doin?”


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