Ah Bugger

The vapid utterings of a neurotic mind.

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Location: DC, United States

I ain't too proud to bug.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I want to be Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins takes crap from no one! When the children accuse her of putting ideas into people’s heads (which she did in coercing Mr. Banks to take the children to the bank with him) she says “what an impertinent idea”! When Mr. Banks confronts her to “explain her actions” she states “Let me make one thing very clear! I never explain myself”. Excellent! I only get myself into MORE trouble when I explain myself. Good lesson, Mary Poppins!

When uncle whatshisname is floating around the ceiling in a fit of laughter, she does the difficult thing of keeping her composure so as to restore order. She is responsible!

She allows the children and herself fun in everything they do without ever losing her comportment.

Mary notices everything and takes things into consideration. She teaches the children to appreciate the little old bird woman. Most people would only see St. Paul’s cathedral, and maybe scoff at the dirty woman covered in pigeons. But she sees the beauty in this woman’s life and expects the children to value all life through this lesson.

When Jane and Michael are being impertinent and not going to sleep, she says that’s fine. “Stay awake, don’t rest your heads” and soon enough they are sound asleep.

In the end, she squares her shoulders and heads into the wind in order to tackle the next families issues. She is forced to love and leave all the time. Difficult life this “practically perfect in every way” woman chose.

I could go on forever about Mary Poppins. I love this movie, but more importantly, I love this character. I think she is one tough cookie and I want to be just like Mary Poppins.

Spit spot!


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